
Esta función que desactivarías ayuda a cargar webs con más velocidad Otra cuestión que podemos tener en cuenta es la de desactivar la captación previa de DNS. Para ello hay que entrar en about:config y buscar network.dns.disablePrefetch. Nos aparecerán dos opciones, pero la que nos interesa es la primera. De forma predeterminada nos vendrá en False y simplemente tenemos que cambiarlo por True. Change network.dns.disablePrefetch to True. Next, change network.prefetch-next to False. Finally, change the value of network.http.speculative-parallel-limit to 0. Toggle Hardware Acceleration and WebGL.

Activar la precarga prefetch DNS sobre HTTPS en Firefox

Toggle network.prefetch-next and network.dns.disablePrefetch to false to prevent link-prefetching and DNS leaks. Toggle network.IDN_show_punycode to true to avoid falling A caching name server can't replace your use of /etc/hosts to resolve hostnames on  This line specifies the network(s) from which DNS queries will be accepted by this DNS server.

javascript - Userscript para reforzar la seguridad en Mozilla Firefox

You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. If I set now " network-prefetch " = true and " network.dns.disablePrefetch " = false and restart FF 57, the settings are again: " network-prefetch " = false and " network.dns.disablePrefetch " = true (even if “Block all hyperlink auditing attempts” is still disabled). 一些其它设置¶ (当作笔记顺便放在这里了。) 设置里 Ctrl+Tab cycles through tabs in recently used order 是默认开着的,我个人不喜欢,因为这样 Ctrl+Shift+Tab 就完全用不了了。. 然后 Restore previous session 以及 Warn you when quitting the browser 我也一般开着。.

Práctica 12: tema9 - SOR en linux

Or if there is another way / work around. The correct title is network.dns.disablePrefetch. This article describes the preference network.dns.disablePrefetch. To add, delete, or modify this preference, you will need to edit your configuration — do not edit this article.

Funciones ocultas en Firefox: debe conocer estas configuraciones .

network.dns.disablePrefetch = true network.dnsCacheExpiration = 0. Anything else? DNS caching occurs at multiple levels: Application asks local system, which asks locally DNS Failover keeps sites and web services online in the event of system or network issues. This is done by moving DNS traffic from one IP address to another IP address The DNS (Domain Name System) cache contains all the information needed to convert a domain name into it's IP address which is used to request information from the server. DNS or domain name system is described as the backbone of the internet since it controls your domain's website and email settings. DNS maintains the directory of internet Every DNS service in the world supports TCP (and UDP) over port 53. They must, because a UDP packet could not hold the complete message, so a "fall-back" to TCP is needed.

Mi mejor configuración de Firefox - Heptagrama

Pinging to works fine (so no DNS problems). I am fine using Opera, but I would also like to understand hwo to fix the issue in Firefox! network.dns.disablePrefetch: false (means enabled) false: Speculative pre-connections : network.http.speculative-parallel-limit: 6: 0: Add-on list prefetching : N/A (can't be turned off) enabled : enabled : Extensions update check : extensions.update.enabled: true: true: Live Bookmarks updating : N/A (user-enabled) none by default : none by default : Downloads restarted In order for the browser to not prefetch DNS entries for resources, it should be set to true. Change: user_pref("network.dns.disablePrefetch", false); to user_pref("network.dns.disablePrefetch", true); STR 1. in about:config, set network.dns.disablePrefetch to true (false = default) 2. visit some webpages A.R. those visits are not recorded in browsing history (history manager is blank, URL autocomplete doesn't know about those recent visits) The back button still works though. network.dns.disablePrefetch este parámetro debe estar en false.

Freenas 11.0-rc4 User Guide [pnxk8zqrzx4v] -

If “Ask me before accepting each cookie” is checked, Camino will display a cookie dialog for each cookie request from a web page. 一些其它设置¶ (当作笔记顺便放在这里了。) 设置里 Ctrl+Tab cycles through tabs in recently used order 是默认开着的,我个人不喜欢,因为这样 Ctrl+Shift+Tab 就完全用不了了。. 然后 Restore previous session 以及 Warn you when quitting the browser 我也一般开着。. 以及下载设为 … Cómo hacer que las páginas de Firefox se carguen más rápido. En general, los desarrolladores de Firefox actualizan la versión de Firefox para mejorar la velocidad de una función cuando ya fue probada y no es probable que cause errores. No If I set now " network-prefetch " = true and " network.dns.disablePrefetch " = false and restart FF 57, the settings are again: " network-prefetch " = false and " network.dns.disablePrefetch " = true (even if “Block all hyperlink auditing attempts” is still disabled).